1) eat balanced
Starting the day with a solid breakfast is a must for healthy living. Since there is no nutrition during the night's sleep, our brain needs energy. What should be considered as a priority when eating a balanced diet is to consume seasonal vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables grown during the season become healthier, do not require special environment and support. It is necessary to make three main meals and three intermediate meals a day. It is important to drink plenty of water, low fat, carbohydrate and protein foods should be preferred.
2) stay away from alcohol
Smoking should never be smoked, help should be taken if necessary to quit. Research has found that even nicotine in the clothes of parents who argue that they don't drink alongside children affects children. Smoking heart and circulatory system diseases, respiratory system diseases, and cancer (lung, esophagus, mouth, nose, throat, larynx, pancreas, kidney, leukemia) may result. If you smoke, you can immediately set yourself a date to quit smoking and start by telling those around you. Few of alcohol's decisions are damaging to most. A small amount (eg. no more than seven glasses of wine per week) when exceeded, harmful effects begin to appear.
3) sleep regularly
We need to let your immune system rest. Chronic insomnia causes damage to your immunity and prevents your body from fighting diseases, as sleep with immunity and a hole-free sleep are two things that depend on each other.
4) Do Sport
The time when the body is most ready for sport is the evening. But sport can always be done. Leg, abdomen, arms, chest and waist muscles are very important activities to work. If you are going to do it for the rest of your life, 10 minutes of light tempo running and 10 minutes (shuttle, side shuttle, foot stretching) movements will suffice. It should be at least 20 minutes if you can sport three times a week, and at least 45 minutes if you are devoting less time to sport. It is also very important to make the sport balanced and orderly. Every day for a long time to do sports will tire the muscles. It's important to remember that our muscles need rest, too. Yoga and meditation are very beneficial for heart health. The level of nitric oxide in the body increases in meditation. This article is very important for vascular health. Nitric oxide is a molecule naturally produced in the body, transported by blood. It helps to dilate veins, lower blood pressure, protect against diabetes and cancer. It is most commonly found in the nose. When deep breathing in Yoga and meditation, this substance fills the lungs. Sport is also a source of happiness, as it provides one's active rest and is something he does for himself.
5) Stay Away From The Sun
Vitamin D, which is a source of cancer and causes aging sun rays in the morning and evening should be tried to get out. Vitamin D will receive sun rays from noon to 11.00-13.00 hours. The benefit-harm of going out to the sun during these hours should be well assessed. Vitamin D is also an antioxidant, supports the immune system, daily oral intake is recommended.
6) Keep your brain active
Puzzles, Intelligence games, intelligence questions, and memory techniques keep the brain active. But don't push your brain when you're tired. A 20-page book you'll read every day, the spices you'll use in your meals (especially turmeric, saffron, cinnamon) help keep the brain active. Every day, try to get new tastes in every area.
7) control yourself
It is also useful to check the body, detect new tubers, moles, especially in the shower and after taking a shower. Early detection of breast cancer and newly emerging, shape-shifting nevi (moles) is very important.
8) stay clean
Make sure your body stays clean. Take a bath at least twice a week or once every three days. Use cleaning tools such as soap, fiber and shampoo and rub thoroughly all over your body. Take care of toilet cleaning and wash your hands frequently with soap. Many infectious diseases spread from the hands, don't forget that.
9) get vaccinated
Now adults also have a vaccine schedule. We need to be protected from diseases that we can protect, that we can get vaccinated against. We must surely be vaccinated against the seasonal flu that causes deaths every year, affecting our workforce. Those with chronic diseases are offered the pneumonia vaccine, the shingles vaccine. Every 10 years you need to get a tetanus shot. HPV vaccine should be given to all girls to protect them from cervical cancer.
10) learn to deal with stress
Find healthy ways to cope with stress. Because stress hormones damage the immune system. You can support your immune system by fighting stress through methods such as Yoga, listening to music, walking, laughing regularly and massaging. Social relationships are good, the person is with their loved ones, cuddles; stress and tension reduces. With cuddling, the person defeats the fear of loneliness, feeling loved. Being happy is also important in coping with stress.
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