My wife (my partner) and I love it, but I can't make her feel loved."to those who think," said Gary Chapman, " my suggestion would be for their wives to learn the languages of love. While Chapman says that every person's language of love (or their language) may be different, I would recommend reading the 5 languages of love (the book) that people use very widely in their work.) has determined that.
Check the Lyrics: some people feel loved when they hear positive things about themselves and their interests. They want their efforts noticed. When that doesn't happen, they're disappointed. Before you can use the words of approval to your partner, you must first care about him. You have to wonder about their interests and value them. It may be more important to your partner how it is said rather than what it is said. In this case, the orders, the threats, the ultimatums, the imposition will take him away from you. The relationship can make your partner feel more loved in the tone of affectionate, approving, warm, inviting and asking. Someone with love-language words of approval may not be sure about it unless they hear it being loved.
Qualified togetherness: sharing, listening and engaging in meaningful activities together are the main characteristics of this language. Your wife may want to have a good time with you. If so, instead of having a good time (telling her you love her, buying expensive gifts, making various kinds of meals, etc.),) may not mean much. The focus of this language of love is the sense of togetherness.
Service behaviors: your partner may be feeling loved when you do something for him or her. Service behaviors mean that you do things that your partner likes you to do. This language requires meeting our partner's expectations. Bringing a water, collecting beds, putting shoes in the closet, sweeping the house, washing the car, etc. there may be simple examples of what can be found in the service behaviors list.
Receiving gifts: in this language Chapman explains: "almost everything written about love indicates that the spirit of giving lies in the heart of love."Therefore, you can also present something to your wife. Don't place any restrictions on gifts. You can present your time, yourself, your interest and your body to your partner. What matters is not the size of the gift you give, but the feelings it feels to your partner.
Physical contact: physical contact, is one of our most basic emotional needs. Touching, kissing, stroking, throwing his hand over his shoulder, having sex, etc. are some of the ways of physical contact. If your partner's language of love is physical contact, you should make physical contact with him, rather than buying him gifts or saying words of love. Embracing her while your partner cries can be a unique sign of love, for example.
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