How Do Oil Glands Pass?
If you want to get rid of the fat glands in the eye area and around the eyes, you should limit the consumption of cholesterol-causing foods as much as possible; you should avoid cholesterol-raising foods such as fatty meat, cheese, tea and coffee.
Insomnia and fatigue accelerate the formation of fat glands, so you should be careful not to fall asleep.
Stress, anxiety and sadness trigger the formation of sebaceous glands, so you should try not to live a stressful life.
You should consume plenty of water during the day.
If you are unable to get rid of the sebaceous glands under the eye despite all your efforts, you can apply to laser treatment.
Herbal Solutions for oil glands around the eyes
Garlic, which reduces high cholesterol and treats the sebaceous glands, reduces blood pressure and helps to destroy the sebaceous glands in a short time.
To take advantage of this miraculous effect of garlic, crush a pinch of garlic with a pinch of clove and mix thoroughly. Then the mixture on your oil glands under the eyes, around the eyes and a nice drive. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat this process on a regular basis once a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar
By removing the sebaceous glands, removing the skin from dead cells and removing toxins out of the skin, apple cider vinegar, especially reduces the high cholesterol and improves the sebaceous glands.
With the help of apple cider vinegar pure apple cider vinegar into the oil glands to get rid of a piece of cotton and dip the cotton under your eye, rub it onto your oil glands. After waiting for 2 hours rinse with plenty of warm water under your eyes. If you have a sensitive skin structure, do not neglect to dilute the vinegar a little.
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