-Odor eliminator white vinegar
White vinegar is one of the most excellent products to remove the smell of the toilet and clean the other areas of the House. Acidic compounds destroy bacteria and reduce ugly yellow spots around the toilet.
3 cups white vinegar (750 ml)
1 cup water (250 ml))
1 spray bottle
Its making
Leave the white vinegar in the water for a while and empty the spray bottle.
Apply the product to the toilet, then brush.
-Lemon odour remover
half a lemon with leaves
Lemon peel contains natural oils and citrus ingredients, which quickly removes bad odors. To get a more intense, pleasant smell, you can put lemon peel in a water-filled pot and heat it.
5 fresh lemon peel
Juice of 1 lemon
1 cup water (250 ml))
Its making
Put the lemon peel in a bowl and boil for three minutes.
Take from the fire, add lemon juice, and put it in the bathroom to make sure that the steam clears bad smells.
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