What does your sleep position say about your relationship?
Are you in sync with your partner while you sleep? A survey study suggested that couples sleeping in separate beds had better sex lives. So what does your sleep pattern say about your relationship? The relationship expert, who writes for the British newspaper The Sun, is Dr. The positions you sleep in can give clues about your sexual relationship, Pam Spurr says. Here are the secrets between the sheets.
If the male or female, arms and legs are lying in open position, according to Pam, this can reveal: the starfish stance can hold all the power and be quite selfish. They may have a selfish nature. Your sex life: make sure your sex life is not dictated by the sleeping partner in starfish style.
Those lying in the fetal position, or wrapped in a pillow, lie with their partner facing their back. This person who desires emotional security often feels alone in the relationship. This can reveal: sleeping in this way gives casual seekers the emotional sense of security they desire. But it may explain that they are alone in the relationship. It is crucial that any communication problems are addressed before the distance between them increases. Your sex life: sex can be difficult. The person lying in this way may want foreplay, but may hesitate to ask. Talk about your sexual needs.
Far from each other, couples who leave spaces between them are described as being out of intimacy. Try to be more compassionate towards each other. This can reveal: you risk a loss of intimacy by sleeping this way. It shows you're potentially independent of each other. If one or both of you feel resentful or neglected, sleeping like this will create a bigger wall between you. Try to build bridges about your relationship during the day and cuddle each other at night. Sex life: if you continue to sleep like this, you may not have sex life after a while.
Sleeping in this way in both couples indicates that the relationship is exhausted or strained, so focus on showing some interest in each other before falling into deep sleep. This may indicate that: this position can mean that this couple is very tired and stressed. But if that's your natural sleep position, that's fine.
Your sex life: sex can be easy and a little lazy, but it can be fun unless you're too tired.
They can be described as couples who show affection for each other. This might reveal that you're both full of compassion for each other. You are sensitive to your needs and probably with your soulmate. Your sex life: you're probably the two of you, a sensual, loving, candlelit couple, Pam says.
The upper stems are separate but their feet are woven or entangled .This could reveal: there could be an ongoing power struggle in your relationship. But the good thing is, you didn't give up on each other. You should definitely try to communicate more clearly. Your sex life: there may be a power struggle between you.
This can reveal: your relationship has a nurturing streak and you are responsible for looking at the emotional aspect of the relationship. It's important that the man in this relationship feels rested. Your sex life: too much loving foreplay will surely respond well.
This may reveal: the man is likely to take a more traditional approach to their relationship and is likely to retain his partner. This position is comfort and gives him the feeling that he is being looked after. But note that this traditional approach does not lead to an old-fashioned relationship that is responsible for all decisions. Your sex life: Attention! Traditional people often like a classical position, such as the missionary style. The missionary is very popular but couples can get bored of it.
They are very tightly wrapped, their legs entwined together, and erogenous zones "cling"to each other. Couples have a great passion in their relationship and are open to trying new things. This sleep position reveals that you have a lot of passion for each other. You may also be in the 'honeymoon' phase of your relationship. But make sure it's not all about sex, because there will be times when you're not in the mood for one. Try to stay calm in this situation. Your sex life: you two are probably very experienced. You'd be happy to try sex toys.
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